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Quality confirmed by leading companies


Quality confirmed by leading companies


Quality confirmed by leading companies

For suppliers

For suppliers


How to become a supplier?

All suppliers who would like to work alongside Sanok Rubber Company S.A. are required to fill in the supplier questionnaire, to self-assess the supplier’s quality management system and to sign a confidentiality agreement (forms of all documents with the possibility to print and download are below).

All documents are to be sent to the address specified under the Contact tab

Supplier questionnaire
Self-assessment of the supplier’s quality management system
Confidentiality agreement
Costs of complain handling



Materials and services

The following materials and outsourced services are included in the purchasing process at Sanok Rubber Company S.A.:


  • simple bushes made of steel or aluminium
  • cold formed bushes and with collars of steel or aluminium
  • steel or aluminium stampings
  • screws and nuts
  • cold formed elements
  • aluminium and cast iron castings
  • aluminium profiles
  • plastic elements
  • CNC machined elements
  • forging elements
  • steel and aluminium carriers for co-extrusion
  • wire carriers
  • self-adhesive tapes
  • cords
  • technical fabrics
  • flocks and flock coated tapes
  • adhesives, mastics, varnishes
  • raw materials intended for manufacturing of rubber compounds


  • galvanic coatings (ZnNi, FeZn)
  • KTL coating
  • adhesive application for rubber to metal/plastic bonding
  • welding
  • lapping

Purchasing policy

The development and manufacturing of innovative and competitive products for our customers all around the world demands a high level of involvement and openness to new ideas. To meet those requirements we need effective and reliable suppliers. It is not uncommon for purchased materials and services to reach 50% of the total cost of products manufactured by Sanok Rubber Company S.A. As you can see, our company’s success greatly depends on the competence of our suppliers. We are therefore looking for effective suppliers who can bring a meaningful contribution into the development of our company. We offer our partners good growth perspectives and long term solid business relationships.

Requirements for suppliers

Below are the fundamental requirements for suppliers for Sanok Rubber Company S.A.

General Terms and Conditions


Specific Customer Requirements
Labelling the deliveries to Sanok Rubber Company S.A.
Code of Ethical Conduct for Suppliers of Products and Services
Code of Ethical Conduct for Suppliers - confirmation of application


Maciej Pielech – Supplier Development Specialist
tel.: +48 13 46 54 233

Anna Roszkowska – Global Supplier Manager
tel.: +48 13 46 54 533

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Trusted us

What do we do?

Sanok Rubber Company S.A. is the European leader in the field of rubber products, rubber-to-metal articles, combination of rubber with other materials. Rubber compounds producer with a wide range of products portfolio for the automotive, construction, agriculture, pharmacy and household appliances.

For over 90 years we have provided our clients with the highest-quality products, which comply with all the latest technological standards. We care about the environment and support local communities. We merge tradition with modern thinking every day.

Our fields of operation


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Innovations shape our experience

Reacting to our clients’ needs and implementing cutting-edge solutions is a daily norm for us.

Modern economies never stand still. There are constant changes which involve technologies, management methods, the needs of the clients and the capabilities of the providers. New products appear virtually overnight. In such an environment, you need a tried-and-tested partner who keeps up with all trends and can guide you in the optimal direction.

At Sanok Rubber Company S.A., we believe that such factors as high quality goods, state-of-the-art technological solutions and respect for the environment are inseparable. For our clients, we select cutting-edge raw materials and the most effective manufacturing processes.

At our company “the highest quality at the lowest prices” is a fact rather than a mere slogan.


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